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15th Sunday

Cardinal Krajewski, papal almoner, a man who deals with the poorest on behalf of the pope, asked important questions in the book Smell of God that are worth asking for today’s solemnity. He was asking : “Since after each Eucharist we take Jesus with us wherever we go: to school, work, home, presbytery, monastery, broken, quarrelled, divorced family, why, Jesus, you cannot be seen every day in our streets, offices, school, shops, families? Why, when I bring you out of the church in myself after Holy Communion, no one recognizes you in me? Maybe I am covering you? – because it seems to me that I am more important. ” Time – because each of us has already eaten Jesus many times – so that we can finally see Him.

In the first reading, we heard a passage from the story of Melchizedek, the king previously defeated with Lot, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abraham. This Old Testament image of bread and wine foreshadows the Eucharist, which is to become our food, strength and reminder that without God’s help, we are not able to do much on our own.

Similarly, second reading. It shows that what priests and bishops do during their transformation during the Holy Mass. has always been happening in the Church. Paul, writing a letter to the parish in Corinth, testifies that he comes in bread and wine. We can feed on Jesus, we can adore Him, but we can also spend our entire lives ignoring Jesus, and we can let God in us leave the church after every Mass. Paul wrote to the Corinthians about this. The choice is ours. If we want to be someone alive in God – it is impossible without eating the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Luke’s Gospel is for these days. How often do we say to Jesus: ” Send them away. They can go..” He calmly speaks to us – ” Give them something to eat…” When we turn on the radio, TV, internet – people there are screaming that they do not need God, that the world is easier without Him, without the Decalogue. They do not have a conscious desire for God within them. It is different, after all. They need it so that their dreams of a world ruled by love, forgiveness, peace, and respect can come true. Let us go with Jesus, whom we received at every Mass. Let us show that he transforms us, that thanks to him we are able to love our enemies, that we serve others. Let’s not say much or even nothing. Let us show with our life.

Let us also take him every day in us, in living tabernacles, to all places, especially the difficult ones. Let him begin to be present in homes and in the streets. Not by our big talk, but by the God-transformed way of life. May all people, especially unbelievers, meet in us the Eucharistic Jesus, whom we receive again and again in communion, under the cover of bread and wine.