Dipping into the Catechism 295-305
Why did Christ institute the sacraments of Penance and the Anointing of the sick? Christ, the physician of our soul and body, instituted these sacraments because the new life that He gives us in the sacraments of Christian initiation can…
Dipping into the Catechism 289-294
Why is the Holy Eucharist the paschal banquet? The Holy Eucharist is the paschal b a n q u e t i n a s m u c h a s C h r i s t sacramentally makes present…
Dipping into the Catechism 279-288
What are the essential and necessary elements for celebrating the Eucharist? The essential elements are wheat bread and grape wine. In what way is the Eucharist a memorial of the sacrifice of Christ? The Eucharist is a memorial in the…
Dipping into the Catechism 271-278
What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is the very sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which He instituted to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until His return in glory. Thus He entrusted…
Dipping into the Catechism 264-270
What is the meaning of the Christian name received at Baptism? The name is important because God knows each of us by name, that is, in our uniqueness as persons. In Baptism a Christian receives his or her own name…
2ndSunday in Ordinary Time 2023
Many times in many instances of our lives we need a witness to an event. Sometimes it's about being a witness to our baptism or the sacrament of marriage, and sometimes very mundane situations in life force us to have…
Baptism of the Lord
God continues to amaze us. At Christmas he comes to us as a Child. He is born in a stable to show how close he is to man. Today, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, he amazes…