Dipping Into the Catechism 114-121
Dipping into the Catechism
From the Compendium of the Catechism: 114 – 121
How did Jesus conduct himself in regard to the Law of Israel ?
Jesus did not abolish the Law given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai but he fulfilled it by
giving it its definitive interpretation. He himself was the divine Legislator who fully carried out
this Law. Furthermore, as the faithful Servant, he offered by means of his expiatory death the only sacrifice capable of making atonement for all the “transgressions committed by men under the first Covenant” (Hebrews 9:15)
What was the attitude of Jesus toward the temple in Jerusalem ?
Jesus was accused of hostility to the temple. On the contrary, he venerated it as “the house of his Father” (John 2:16); and it was there that He imparted an important part of His teaching. However, He also foretold its destruction in connection with His own death and He presented Himself as the definitive dwelling place of God among men. Did Jesus contradict Israel’s faith in the one God and saviour ? Jesus never contradicted faith in the one God, not even when He performed the stupendous divine work which fulfilled the messianic promises and revealed Himself as equal to God, namely the pardoning of sins.
Who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
The passion and death of Jesus cannot be imputed indiscriminately either to all the Jews that were living at that time or to their descendants. Every single sinner, that is, every human being is really the cause and the instrument of the sufferings of the Redeemer; and the greater blame in this respect falls on those above all who are Christians and who the more often fall into sin or delight in their vices.
Why was the death of Jesus part of God’s plan ?
To reconcile to Himself all who were destined to die because of sin God took the loving initiative of sending His Son that He might give Himself up for sinners. Proclaimed in the Old Testament, especially as the sacrifice of the Suffering Servant, the death of Jesus came about “in accordance with the Scriptures”.
In what way did Christ offer Himself to the Father ?
The entire life of Christ was a free offering to the Father to carry out His plan of salvation. He gave “His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45) and in this way He reconciled all of humanity with God. His suffering and death showed how His humanity was the free and perfect instrument of that divine love which desires the salvation of all people.
How is Jesus’ offering expressed at the Last Supper ?
At the Last Supper with His apostles on the eve of His passion Jesus anticipated, that is, both symbolised His free self-offering and made it really present: “This is my Body which is given for you” (Luke 22:19), “This is my Blood which is poured out…” (Matthew 26:28). Thus He both instituted the Eucharist as the “memorial” (1 Corinthians 11:25) of His sacrifice and instituted His apostles as priests of the new covenant.
What happened in the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane ?
Despite the horror which death represented for the sacred humanity of Jesus “who is
the Author of Life” (Acts 3:15), the human will of the Son of God remained faithful to
the will of the Father for our salvation. Jesus accepted the duty to carry our sins in
His Body “becoming obedient unto death” (Philippians 2:8).