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The gateway to life in the Spirit
We usually hold baptisms in Redruth church at 3pm on Saturdays and in Camborne church at 4pm on Sundays.
At least one of the child’s names must be a Christian (i.e. saint’s) name.
There should be at least one godparent who is a church-going Catholic over 16. Please collect a form after Sunday Mass.

First Holy Communion and Confession

Jesus’ true Body and Blood and the forgiveness of sins
The First Communion and Confession course begins after October half-term when children should be in year 3 or above (7+ years).
The sessions are on Wednesday afternoons in St John’s church hall after school. There are also monthly sessions for parents. Please contact the parish priest as soon as possible.
It is important that children are brought to Mass every Sunday.


God’s gift of His Holy Spirit
The bishop visited Cornwall in 2019 to carry out confirmations.

(The bishop usually comes once every two years to do this).
Please contact the parish office as soon as possible if you or your child would like to be confirmed.


Sign of Christ’s covenant with the Church
We normally require at least 6 months notice.
There is a course of preparation consisting of 5 one hour sessions including an introduction to natural family planning.
Please just ring the presbytery or speak to the priest after Mass.