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Synod Update August 22

Welcome to the August 2022 ‘Walking Together’ Update
The Bishops’ conference have now reflected on the Diocesan Synthesis and their reflections,
along with our National Synthesis Document have gone forward to form part of the
European continental synodal phase. This will, in turn, contribute to the Synod of Bishops due
to take place in Rome in October 2023. However, this doesn’t mean a period of inaction. The
Bishops’ conference have made it clear: ‘We have begun a synodal process in our dioceses. We
have stepped out on a journey. Our hearts have been awakened. We must now keep walking in
attentive faith, seeking to recognise Christ more clearly as our way to truth and life.’
Canon John Deeny and Deborah Fisher Diocesan Co-contacts
Having considered carefully the Synthesis, the Bishops of England and Wales have now offered their initial reflections in the light of our shared faith in Christ and our shared belonging to his Church. “We do so grateful for the enthusiasm and joy which, as bishops, we see and experience constantly in our parish communities. We thank our laity, clergy, and religious for their commitment and dedication. With you we share a deep desire that the Church be at the heart of our world, radiating to all the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.” The Bishops reflected that in the synod responses, among the tensions and tragedies, they have also found so many signs of hope. They give witness that the needs of people today elicit compassionate responses of remarkable
generosity. The Church plays her part by putting the Gospel into practical, loving action towards the poorest and the weakest. It is clear that nothing genuinely human – whether it be a cause of rejoicing or sadness – fails to echo in our hearts as the People of God, united in Christ and led
by the Holy Spirit in our journey to the Kingdom of the Father.
Holy Spirit our way to truth guide the church in the midst of turmoil and chaos in the world of
uncertainties. Help each person to be bond in the unity of love and peace, fill everyone in the church with abundant joy in times of crisis, suffering and grief . We pray for synod of synodality
be a new Pentecostal experience in building the church and the zeal to evangelize the human
race. Mother Mary hold our hands to be united with your children entrusted by Jesus. Amen
John Prakash, Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

You can find the full text of the synthesis and reflection here
We thank all who have participated so far in the Synodal Process and ask for continued prayers as we journey together towards being a Synodal Church in today’s world, expressing her nature as the People of God journeying together and gathering in assembly, summoned by the Lord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel that brings life and human flourishing to all who hear and respond to it. You can continue to feed back any thoughts or reflections to
It can be easy to forget we are on a global journey but there is a wonderful website where you can see how other countries are walking together on their synodal journey Resources –
Sharing synodal resources (
There are some great examples of how other parts of the Church are engaging including resources for young people You can find out
more about the meaning of Sensus Fidei, listen to a synodal song from Africa or a hymn from the Archdiocese of Luxembourg among many other things

Resources for the ongoing synodal journey
There will be a live presentation on the continental phase at 13.00 CET on 26 August on the Vatican News YouTube
Resources shared from across the world
Our Diocesan website